Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Let's Get Stoned

Iran has decided to maintain the sentence of "death by stoning" for adulterers.

Yes, in most religions adultery is considered one of the big no-nos but at the end of the day being unfaithful to ones spouse is a private matter, which in my opinion should be dealt with between the couple themselves. The greater public is not plagued by an adulterer.The argument could be made that being unfaithful can harm the society by creating a lack of trust and a suspicious population. However adultery exists in every society and it functions just fine without someone having to die by stones being thrown at his/her head. The people will be no less pure or spiritually connected for stoning adulterers.

Perhaps what worries me most about such a punishment is that spouses or lovers are prepared to report their adulterous partners, even when they are aware of the punishment that awaits them. I cannot imagine ever being at a level of such anger that I would wish someone dead by such brutality. I shudder at the thought of the amount of cruelty that must exist.

Human life is to be valued and honoured. We should treat everyone with respect, even criminals, if nothing more than to set an example as to how people should act. What kind of example is being set for Iranian civilians if the regime chooses to degrade ones life even further, even when facing death.? putting aside the exorbitant and excessive use of the death penalty for a moment (although this is no less an issue) stoning is a total and utter violation of human rights. Everyone, me, you Iranians and non Iranians alike need to speak up against this heinous act! What kind of example are we setting if we sit silently and let this happen?

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